Saturday, May 18, 2013

Ah Sugar

 If you live in a place like hawaii you know the value of hair removal. Found this recipe on Pinterest and was crazy enough to try it. 

2cups white sugar
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup water

Combine all ingredients and bring to a SLOW boil. Simmer till a brown sugary color (aprox 20 min) DON'T rush it or it won't set right and either harden too quickly or just stick to your skin. 

(I usually half the recipe, but after its cooked you can store what you don't use and save it for next time)

How to do the dang thang

After its cooled, should be a putty/paste consistency. Clean area you want to remove hair from, and dry completely. Use a little baby powder if you want.  Apply sugar AGAiNST hair growth, rub a few times to make sure it grabs the hair and then rip WITH the direction of hair growth. (Waxing is the opposite) then roll up and reapply till hair is bye bye! 

Here's one of a few videos I watched to learn the technique

Bottom line:
-Hella cheap (I've saved hundreds already I kid you not)
-Easy to clean up (esp if you get it stuck, which I've done before) just use soap and water. 
-Smooth results  (last up to two weeks)

I'm so confident and stoked off this I will share with you that I successfully did my own bikini wax okayyyy. What other convincing do you need! 

1 comment:

  1. Finally tried this today! Your instructions made it go much better than the first time I tried sugaring a couple years ago. It was pretty easy to get the hang of! Thanks!
