Thursday, May 16, 2013

Flip Flop

So I posted before I had baby boy about how our world was going to be flipped upside down again upon his arrival... that was an UNDERSTATEMENT.  When I describe to people my feelings the past almost 4 months. I can see a Postpartum Depression diagnosis about to be slapped across my forehead. I am not depressed. I feel actually quite the opposite, I feel hopeful and empowered and in love but... I hate people and the world.

I don't want my cellphone (but I do because I want to take pictures of my babies, and well then they end up on instagram of course)
I don't want to check my voicemails
I don't want to read my emails
I don't want to call anyone
I don't want to make plans
I don't want any commitments
I don't want any added responsibilities
I don't want to waste my time and emotion worrying how people feel, or what people think of me
I don't want to apologize for any of these feelings
I don't want to explain or justify my feelings to anyone
I don't want to do anything I don't want to do

I want to create my family, MY WORLD. All I want to do are the things that make me happy. Which lately revolve around my FAMILY. I want to interact with my husband and babes. I want to cut out what really doesn't matter. SIMPLIFY. I want to cut off the world. disconnect. I want to use my time wisely because it goes SO FAST. I will respond to the outside on my own time, when I want. I want to learn. PROGRESS. I want to eat good food. NURTURE those I love.

This may sound selfish or crazy, but I'm CRAZY GOOD. I highly recommend it.


  1. Thank you! I feel like this gives me permission to do the same. We should chat (on your own time :-)) about this crazy and awesome transition into motherhood. I feel like the world still expects me to do things that just aren't on my priority list. This helps me know it's OK to tell the world to take a hike if they want to tell me other things are more important than my family. You're strong and give me the permission to be strong too! Great post, thank you!

  2. love this so much- happy that you're trusting your instincts which are right on- putting all your focus on exactly what matters. much love!
